Solar PV Power Design, Manufacturing and Applications from Sand to Systems (NLTT0005)

2Th10 - by PHẠM BÁ QUANG - 0 - In Điện năng lượng mặt trời, điện gió

Tác giả: Rabindra Satpathy, Venkateswarlu Pamuru

Số trang: 518 trang

Định dạng file: pdf

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Solar PV Power Design, Manufacturing and Applications from Sand to Systems, contents:

CHAPTER 1 Manufacturing of polysilicon

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Quartz–the input for polysilicon production

1.3 Polysilicon–basic manufacturing processes

1.4 Alternate methods of polysilicon production

1.5 Global polysilicon manufacturing scenario

CHAPTER 2 Silicon crystal growth process

2.1 Specification/requirement of ingots

2.2 Process of making ingots (CZ and float zone method)

2.3 Process of multicrystalline Si ingot casting

2.4 Equipment used for ingot manufacturing

2.5 Quality testing and reliability

2.6 Manufacturers of Si ingots in the world

2.7 Technology trend of ingots

CHAPTER 3 Silicon wafer manufacturing process

3.1 Specification/requirement of wafers

3.2 Process of wafer making

3.3 Direct wafer process (DWP)

3.4 Kerf loss wafer process by epitaxy

3.5 What is the new trend in wafer manufacturing?

CHAPTER 4 Making of crystalline silicon solar cells

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Basics of solar cell/physics of solar cell

4.3 Specifications of the solar cell

4.4 Manufacturing process of solar cell

4.5 P-type vs N-type solar cells

4.6 PERC/PERL cells and the manufacturing process

4.7 Bifacial solar cells and the manufacturing process

4.8 Advanced high efficiency cells and the manufacturing process

4.9 Equipment used for advanced solar cell manufacturing

4.10 Manufacturers of silicon solar cells and technology trends

CHAPTER 5 Manufacturing of crystalline silicon solar PV modules

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Specifications/requirements of solar PV modules

5.3 Manufacturing process of solar PV module and equipment

5.4 Special type of solar PV modules and manufacturing process

5.5 Reliability and tests conducted on solar PV modules

5.6 Manufacturers of crystalline silicon solar PV modules

5.7 Technology trends of solar PV modules

CHAPTER 6 Solar PV systems and applications

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Different applications of solar PV systems

CHAPTER 7 Off-grid solar photovoltaic systems

7.1 Introduction

7.2 System components of off-grid solar PV systems

7.3 Design of off-grid or standalone solar PV system

7.4 Cost of off-grid/standalone solar PV systems

7.5 Reliability of off-grid solar PV systems

7.6 Lifecycle cost analysis of off-grid solar PV systems

CHAPTER 8 Rooftop and BIPV solar PV systems

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Rooftop solar PV systems

8.3 Components of grid-tied rooftop solar PV systems

8.4 Building integrated PV (BIPV) systems

8.5 Design of rooftop and BIPV solar PV systems

8.6 Cost of rooftop solar PV systems

8.7 Reliability of rooftop solar PV system

8.8 Lifecycle cost analysis of rooftop solar PV systems

CHAPTER 9 Grid-connected solar PV power systems

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Components of grid-connected solar PV power systems

9.3 Design of grid-connected solar PV power systems

9.4 Simulation tools for design of grid-connected solar PV power system

9.5 Typical schematic diagram and field application examples of grid-connected solar PV power systems

9.6 Bifacial solar PV systems

9.7 Floating solar PV systems

9.8 Bench mark cost of ground mounted solar PV systems

CHAPTER 10 Grid integration, performance, and maintenance of solar PV power systems

10.1 Introduction

10.2 AC system requirements for solar PV power system

10.3 Transmission line requirement

10.4 Protection requirements for solar PV power system

10.5 Grid integration of solar PV power system

10.6 Methodology for performance analysis of solar PV power plant

10.7 Performance analysis of solar PV systems and calculations—Typical example

10.8 Reliability of grid-connected solar PV power systems

10.9 O&M aspect of grid-connected solar PV power system

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